Tàpies: Art and activism

Struggle, culture and socialism

An advocate of the unity between culture and political action, Antoni Tàpies found in the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC) the party that best represented his ideals. He admired the resistance of its militants in hiding during the decades of the Franco regime and the representation of the unity of the Catalan left. In 1976, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the PSUC, Tàpies created the work PSUC XL Aniversari (PSUC 60th Anniversary) as a spontaneous tribute, which became the party’s emblem and the work that presided over the events of party officials. It also appeared on the cover of the publication Catalunya i la ruptura, by the leader of the party legalised in April 1977, Gregorio López Raimundo.

Tàpies also contributed his works and writings to PSUC’s two official publications, Treball and Nous Horitzons. He also paid tribute to the International – of which the PSUC was a Catalan section – and to intellectual references such as Gramsci and Marx. He likewise collaborated with the Cultural Commission of the PSUC, for which he designed a poster in homage to Miquel Martí i Pol, Ara és demà (Tomorrow is Now), and the cover of some roundtable texts from the symposium entitled Lluita, cultura, socialisme (Struggle, Culture, Socialism), which took place at the headquarters of the Bar Association on 10 February 1978, with contributions from various intellectuals, such as Carles Bohigas, Gregorio López Raimundo, Rafael Ribó, Raimon and Antoni Tàpies himself.