Francesc Boix: from the concentration camps to photojournalism

Francesc Boix: from the concentration camps to photojournalism

In 2016, the History Museum of Catalonia, the association Amical de Mauthausen and Ms Anna M. Salomó Boix, on behalf of the family, signed a contract securing the loan of a valuable collection of photographs. It consists of a collection of negatives smuggled out of the Identification Department at the Mauthausen concentration camp (Austria) by Republican deportees and covering a period from 1940 to 1944, together with the negatives taken by the photographer and Republican soldier Francesc Boix during and after the liberation of the camp.

Considering their value as a crucially important historical source for finding out about and studying events forming part of the collective memory, the History Museum of Catalonia invites you to see some of the most significant images forming part of this collection.